Technology can do everything but without the right people is under-utilised. Teylas Solution can hire well educated, motivated and skilled professionals who can deliver your project in a dedicated timeline. We care about candidates excellent background and qualifications. No matter if you need a single developer or a team who will build your project from scratch. We can help !
Getting the right team to work on a project with limited budget and timeline can be very challenging. Teylas Solutions can hire in a reasonable time experienced and motivated IT professionals including full stack developers, scram masters, business analysts and testers. Our clients don't have to worry about paperwork and additional government taxes such IR35.
Automated processes generate huge volume of data in different than required format. Big data technologies aggregates and summarises outputs of the processes to be used in reports, presentations or input for other processes. Teylas Solutions know everything about Big Data processing from streaming, scheduled batch processing and processing on request. Thanks to our solutions deployed in cloud our clients data are secured and processed in a required manner.
Cloud infrastructure is cost effective and reliable. Other attributes are performance, security and operational excellence. Teylas Solutions can help our clients to migrate their on-premises infrastructure into cloud solutions. It can be a website migration to fully auto-scaled and secure environment, data storage or more complex computations including big data processing.